Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, Thanksgiving Day is finally here and we are so ready to cook these turkeys and sit down to a wonderful family feast. With 6 children (all but one will be there), several spouses and 5 grandchildren and a couple of great-grandparents we will have a total of 14 for dinner. We will actually be going to our son and daugter-in-laws house and everyone is bringing something.

We have so much to be personally thankful for this year, as we have had two new grandsons born, Charlton and Connor. Connor's picture is in the last post, so here is Charlie. Is he too cute!
And we have all made it through another year in health. And we have the love and joy of such a wonderful family. God has truly blessed our lives.
Professionally I have started two new websites with Jennifer, my daughter, and I have to say the best part is working with her to develop those sites. Of course I have to put a plug in for those sites :) Stylish Home and Gift for unique home decor and gifts, and Stylish Tots for children's and nursery decor and gifts.
May all of you be blessed throughout the year and have many things to be thankful for, as we are.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A New Style

I am so excited to create this blog to discuss all of the stylish things available for babies and children today. I would love to hear from everyone who has found great products for babies that start them all off with great style. Please let me hear from anyone who has found any stylish products for little ones. I will look forward to discussing all that I find in the weeks and months to come.

This is Connor, my youngest grandson, at his baptismal reception. I have to brag that I made the bib he is wearing with the appliqued 'stacked crosses' on it. I love to sew and create beautiful things, especially for kids. I hope to share more of those gifts along the way. Yes, Connor is cuter than the bib. Of course, I am the grandma, so I can be a little prejudice.


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